
November 30, 2022
What is plastic pollution? Britannica (who created the Encyclopedia Britannica – if you are old enough to remember) penned this scholarly article that defines and explains plastic pollution as is exists today. Here is an excerpt: Plastic is a polymeric material—that is, a material whose molecules are very large, often resembling long chains made up...
If you enjoy nerding-out on the history and science of plastics, you’ll enjoy this read from Annual Reviews. Here is an excerpt: Synthetic organic polymers—or plastics—did not enter widespread use until the 1950s. By 2015, global production had increased to 322 million metric tons (Mt) year−1, which approaches the total weight of the human population...
We came across a very interesting article that ties into our Sustainaline trim line product from Weed Recede. Here is an excerpt: Abstract The characterisation of microplastics is still a challenge, and the challenge is even greater for nanoplastics, of which we only have a limited knowledge so far. Herewith we employ Raman imaging to...