In a pivotal moment in the ongoing battle against plastic pollution, New York Attorney General Letitia James recently took a bold step by initiating a lawsuit against industry giant PepsiCo. This legal action marks the beginning of a paradigm shift, signalling that the United States is gearing up for a comprehensive crackdown on companies contributing...
Bio-based plastics vs soil and marine biodegradable plastic in the environment.
Bio-based plastics are made from renewable resources such as plants, sugarcane, cornstarch, and vegetable oil. These plastics are designed to have a lower carbon footprint than traditional petroleum-based plastics made from renewable sources. However, they typically retain the same issues that regular plastics have, such as Persistent Plastic Particulate Pollution. Soil and marine biodegradable plastics,...
Persistent Plastic Particulate Pollution
Yes, that is correct. Soil and marine biodegradable plastics can help eliminate Persistent Plastic Particulate Pollution (PPPP), a significant environmental concern. PPPP refers to the accumulation of plastic particles in natural environments, such as oceans and waterways, that do not degrade over time. Traditional plastics can take hundreds of years to decompose. During this time,...
Biodegradable plastics are materials that can break down, decompose, and return to the environment as a natural substance, such as water, carbon dioxide, and biomass, under certain environmental conditions. They are often made from renewable resources, such as cornstarch, potato starch, and sugarcane, but can be made from fossil fuels like petroleum. Using biodegradable plastics...
What is plastic pollution? Britannica (who created the Encyclopedia Britannica – if you are old enough to remember) penned this scholarly article that defines and explains plastic pollution as is exists today. Here is an excerpt: Plastic is a polymeric material—that is, a material whose molecules are very large, often resembling long chains made up...
If you enjoy nerding-out on the history and science of plastics, you’ll enjoy this read from Annual Reviews. Here is an excerpt: Synthetic organic polymers—or plastics—did not enter widespread use until the 1950s. By 2015, global production had increased to 322 million metric tons (Mt) year−1, which approaches the total weight of the human population...
We came across a very interesting article that ties into our Sustainaline trim line product from Weed Recede. Here is an excerpt: Abstract The characterisation of microplastics is still a challenge, and the challenge is even greater for nanoplastics, of which we only have a limited knowledge so far. Herewith we employ Raman imaging to...